Sunday, July 1, 2012

North Island- Friday- Adventure Day!-& Zorb, mountain, and raft

Friday was my adventure day, I went zorbing and whitewater rafting.

Zorbing involves rolling down a giant hill inside a ball that's inside a ball. There was water so that I could splish and splash. It was fun, I think if I were to do it again though I would want to be strapped in. Oh, btw- I did it at 9 AM- there was frost on the ground, but the water was warm so it was actually quite pleasant.

After that I had a few hours to burn before I was to go rafting so I climbed a mountain.  Mount Ngongotaha (say that five times fast). From there I could get a good view of the lake- which I am pretty sure is a caldera, with a little remnant volcano in the center. The climb took a bit longer then expected so I had to run down the mountain and back into town to make it for rafting.

Rafting is incredible, well it can be anyway. It was just me a two guides that day- slow season. They told me all of the safety things like what to do if I fell out or if the raft capsized-- I listened attentively but thought--that would never happen to me. It happened. We were going off the 7 meter water fall (incredible) and they just continued to go down- best part of rafting there.

That night it was just me a two Europeans- someone from Liverpool, and another person from the Check republic, we had free spaghetti bolognese (yes!) and they introduced me to a show called Cougartown- which actually is hilarious. It was a great day.

That's the hill I went down in- I was in a ball like that. 

Lake Rotorua- CALDERA

the town from the mountaintop

7 meter drop. 



Gone (I am under there somewhere) 

And we're back