Friday, August 17, 2012

Wrap up and San Francisco

Quest Training- Sunday!!!

Sunday was the cherry (Jerry) on top of the whole ice cream sundae that was my Quest weekend. Again, me being the crazy person that I am, and the dedicated blogger, I agreed to get up at 6:30 and go take pictures of the Stanford campus with Columbia and some other Questies. Last time I woke up Columbia, this time it was her turn, but I did it! (I am not sure how.) But I jumped out of bed, got ready and lead the group to Stanford, with the characteristic silliness and energy. Anyway, we got our pictures, and there was a tour bus from Asia checking out the campus at that time too.
So, we finished up pictures, and went back to the hotel, only to walk back to the campus for closing ceremonies.

My regional group (New York Metro) filmed an awesome clip, that I will post when finished. 
And we did some evaluations, talked about our plans with Nancy, little things. We were going to San Francisco!!!
The bus arrived around one and we took off for a day in the city. Some of the many places we visited were
Church on Stanford campus
·         Twin Peaks- I can see Alcatraz, and all of San Francisco from here.
·         Golden Gate Bridge- I ran up ahead and back and forth between groups, gotta get the running in.
·         The remains of the 1910-ish world fair near the Exploratorium
·         The Crookedest Street in America, meaning that I have been the the crookedest street and steepest street in the span of a few months (see Baldwin St. Dunedin).
·         Fisherman’s Wharf
·         An In-And-Out burger joint, I have finally had it!!!

For future reference, if you are traveling in San Francisco you should either run about, or bring a sweater, it gets COLD!
It was an incredible day, sorry I don’t have more photos, the camera kind-of died on me, I thought those rechargeable batteries were working, guess not.

The first group of people left at 3:30 that night, and me being the social person that I am and wanting to say good-bye  I stayed up, it was nice to have one last walk around town and start adding people on facebook.

Goodbye Questies—I plan on tracking you all down and hanging out! 

The Dish 


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