This weekend I was in California to receive training as a liaison for the Quest Scholars Network, and off-shoot of the Questbridge program. (look it up- it changed my life and continues to change it-
I was met by an old friend, well actually the first friend I have seen (asides from Becky) since I have returned to America. It was Christina, my neighbor from New Zealand, she picked me up from SFO- it was really cute because she made a sign that said "Welcome to California Jerry!" It was very pink and wonderful. I also had to do a running start to our regathering, as was instructed via text.
She took me to a beautiful Manor in the hills around the bay called Fiorollo (or something similar to that) we had a beautiful picnic and walked the Gardens, thus all these pictures.
Afterwards, because we were feeling nostalgic for New Zealand, we drove out the Pacific Ocean, I now officially have been from "sea to shining sea." The pacific, as usual, was great... and cold. We thought of the other side, where New Zealand is, and spat in it then, and our spit will one day reach NZ, albeit in a very diluted form.
Another thing about it that was great is that we skyped/phoned some of our friends we have made in New Zealand, it was like a Mini gathering.
Time runs short, and so did time for our meeting, eventually I needed to head back for training (there's where the "new friends" comes in). But it was great to see her, and I look forward to reuniting with the rest of my friends from abroad, (if I keep up this rate of traveling I will be the first to meet each of them from NZ in America.)
Treehugger |
Flowers! |
Flower pretty. |
tall.... |
Picnic!!! |
Ah... the Pacific! |
When one door closes, a window opens. |