Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Travels to Dunedin

This was the plane I spend a good 10-12 hours on, but the flights was not too bad. Its biggest plane I have ever been on!

One of my first views of the Rockies from an airplane, they are gorgeous, when I return I shall climb them!

I flew out of San Francisco, looking forward to my next visit being a little longer.

To see more pictures go to
leaving america, beginning dunedin photos

Disclaimer: I was told at the start of this adventure "Don't suck at blogging" if it does, let me know by commenting (I think you can do that, or email (you know who I am), and I will try and improve next time!

Well, I have a lot to catch up on. So I shall start and the beginning and try and work forward. I flew out on Feb. 4 to NZ and five flights later (one more than planned) landed in Dunedin. This post will try and cover everything inbetween.  

Order of flights 
  • MN to Denver
  • Denver to San Francisco
  • San Francisco to Auckland
  • Auckland to Dunedin (planned, but life didn't work out that way)
  • Auckland to Christchurch 
  •  Christchurch to Dunedin! 
That's... count them, 5 flights! Fun stuff, right! So when I did get to Dunedin it was Mon, Feb 6. at 3 PM.

Ok, now details. 

MN to Denver, 
Uneventful, but first time I have ever used my passport, also Denver was pretty much the only area that I saw with Snow. (First time to Denver! Woot!)
 -Began reading kindle and watching Lord of the Rings, (going to NZ, I felt obliged to.)

Denver to San Francisco 
Saw the Rocky Mountains, and Imperial Valley (I think), (first time to California!)
We also passed a plane in flight, so our speed in respect to each-other must have been over 1000mph, which, I assure you, is just as fast as it sounds. 

San Francisco to Auckland
Long leg of flight, had internet at airport thought, that was nice, set up skype so I can call people back home!
Got onto flight, and did the safety briefing, the pilot had a Kiwi (New Zealand) accent! I thought: "yea, I am going to like this" the saftey film was even funny and featured All-Black NZ's treasured RUGBY team. 
We moved ten meters away from gate (Metric!) and then went back and sat for 2-3 hours because of a deicing problem (it must have been at least that long, I got through two movies before we even took off). 
Finally took off and was in the air for ten hours. during that time I watched 4 more movies, and a few TV shows also, so I am all caught up now.
BTW- I lucked out on a seat, I was next to the aisle and the seat next to me was empty (ROOM!). 
I also slept a little and have several snacks, dinner, and breakfast. Part of dinner was free wine, so I tried a Savign Noir, it was fruity, not sure if I liked it, maybe I will have to take a wine tasting class in NZ.
We landed 2-3 hours late so a lot of people missed their flights, this was when I found out I would also be visiting Canterbury. 

On this flights I also realized I had a few firsts
1st time
·         Out of the states
·         South of equator
·         West of international date line (I am now 17 hours ahead of all ya-all back home (give or take an hour or two)
·         Seeing the Pacific Ocean

Auckland to Canterbury
I stepped off the plane to my first exposure to NZ at the Auckland International Terminal. Soon, I had the pleasure of going through customs for the first time. 
Some things about customs in NZ
  • Report your drugs
  • Do not bring any fruit or seeds with you, or you will be fined $400 on the spot. 
  • Clean your hiking boots. 
Other than that it was not too bad. Of course I simple declared my illegal drugs (just kidding), and then got rid of my fruit, which was tricky cause I packed a lot. 
I then had to recheck my bags for a domestic flight and walk for 15 minutes to the domestic terminal, it was hot and humid (finally Summer again!). 
Security there was wonderful, over the course of 1.5 hours I went through it 3 times. 
  • No ID
  • no removing shoes
  • no people with guns
  • it was just drop the bag, take stuff out of my pockets and walk through. 
The McDonald's at the International Terminal had combos for over $20 dollars, I started getting a little concerned then for my finances, if McDonald's costs that much here, imagine what everything else must be like. 

In my time at this airport I assured my parent that I was indeed, still alive, and fine. 

I finally did take off, it was my first time that I got to walk on a Tarmac, to get onto my plane (I know, pretty boring, but.. a first!)

Canterbury to Dunedin
The flights were fine, Canterbury airport actually did not have any security, at all.  They served biscuits and tea and coffee on both flights, no soda-pop here!

I then got onto the smallest plane I have ever been on, it had actual rotors, and finally flew to Dunedin. 

At the Airport I was picked up by the Program coordinator, Leila, and taken to my Flat, we drove on the left side of the road, I think the weirdest part of that was seeing the steering wheel on the other side of the car. 

Well, that covers my travels to Dunedin. Next post will be about getting to know the city. Again, let me know it you have any suggestions!  

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