Thursday, June 14, 2012

North Island- Saturday- Wellington!- My adventure begins

The propeller- fortunately it is still there amd so  am I. 
I have recently completed my trip to the north Island. I began in the capital city Wellington- and worked my way up through Art Deco, volcanoes, and adventure activities to the largest city in New Zealand- Auckland. I hope you enjoy the photos!

I left Dunedin early in the Morning, my friends dropped me off at the airport. I was able to take some photos from the plane. Which had the propeller parallel to my head. The whole time I was praying that one of the blades didn't come off and skewer me! It was cool to get some pictures of Dunedin and the Otago peninsula from above.

When I arrived in Wellington I decided to save a little money, get my bearing, and walk to my hostel- it was only 7 kilometers! I made it to town in time to make the last tour of the Beehive- the capital building of New Zealand.

The peninsula
After touring the bee-hive I decided to tour the botanical gardens, I had some fun there taking pictures of the sculptures and plants. I also enjoyed the cable car!

By that time it was dark so I headed back to town and had dinner at a Malaysion place. I then took a nap and walked along the waterfront- its gorgeous (photos on Sunday!).

BTW- kiwifruit and groceries are much cheaper than the South Island on the North island.
St. Clair Beach-surfed here!


The Univservity, stadium, and my home!

Quarantine Island!

The whole peninsula

Long Beach!


Inter-islander ferry

My first glimpses of the North Island

The needle

Gevernment Building

The Beehive

The Bortanical Garden Begins!

A device for hearing things- very Suessian. 

Reminds me of the latest Dr. Who Christmans Special

I hap fun with photoshop and these succulents. 

Its a sundial with a human component- stand on the month and your shadow points to the time. 


Cable Car!

Good Night Wellington!