Tuesday, March 13, 2012

21! From this point onward I have no more birthday to look forward to.

So I tried my first official, american-wise that is, drink of alcohol last night. It wasn't bad per-say, but some of it could use some work on flavor. I guess its something I will have to figure out. But not here, alcohol is expensive! At midnight (beginning of my birthday) I went out and went to one bar, it was a rainy day so it was pretty quiet, and then I ordered a tequila shot. Lets just say they burn, but the lemon does help.

Fast-forward, next day. Sorry, this description is not going to sound very birthday like- but it was fun.

I went on my first every River-Crossing (or rather, river get in, realize its too deep, and you don't want to die, and get out. But hey, I was in a river!)

  • stop, look, and listen - but seriously
  • don't just get in, look up and down river. 
  • find a good place to walk, so that means, good place to get in and out, and not too deep or fast moving
    • in general- wide =slow
    • faster then you can walk is too fast (or is it 5 times faster?)
  • unbuckle the top buckle of your hiking backpach, loosen the waist one, make sure enverthing is in a waterproof bag, wet stuff is not fun. -The bag can act as a flotation device! So if you fall in you can switch it around and use it to not drown and die!
  • have buddies, at least 2, up to 4
  • put arms around waists/ rather their pack and grab their backpack straps, there is power in numbers. 
  • talk! -mention that you are on a slippery rock rather than trip and die!
  • Cross the River- hopefully it is ankle deep.
  • If you got wet consider changes your clothing, but then again, you will dry out. Don't get hypothermia and die. 
Oh, and then I did homework,
Fun birthday, right?

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